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2023 Blog posts

Using MVVM Design Pattern in Windows Forms

30-Dec-2023 1 Comments

The MVVM Design Pattern is mainly used in XAML enviroments like WPF, UWP, WinUI, Xamarin Forms and MAUI, because they support databinding between Controls and  Models but also between Buttons and Commands.

In .NET 8 it is possible to implement the MVVM Design Pattern in Windows Forms apps. It uses a new data binding engine which was in preview with .NET 7, and is now fully enabled in .NET 8. This new engine is modeled after WPF, which makes it easier to implement MVVM design principles. Time to write a blog post about it.

For this post I have written a simple demo Solution containing 3 projects. The ModelsLibrary project contains a ViewModel and is referenced by a Windows Forms and WPF project. I have published this solution in this GitHub repository

The UI of the Windows Forms and WPF apps are very simple. It shows the value of a Counter and has an Increment button to increment the value by 1. Simular to the Counter sample page of a Blazor app.

Example apps

XAML NumberBox not accepting letters


Last week there was a discussion on X (former Twitter) about the usage of the NumberBox in WinUI apps. Should it accept letter inputs or not. The 'conlusion' was that it should because you can enter formulas. But there are also a few developers which don't like this. So I took up the challenge to find a solution for this problem. My first guess was that I should create an AttachedProperty or Behavior for this. I was wrong. AttachedProperties can't be used for this. You can't use them for handing events on controls. Behaviors can but they require you to add an extra NuGet package to the project. Something you might not want. So I decided to use compiled binding (x:Bind) to events, also known as Event Binding.

System controls need BasedOn Styling in WinUI


You can customize the appearance of your apps in many ways by using the XAML framework like WPF, UWP, WinUI and MAUI. Styles let you set control properties and reuse those settings for a consistent appearance across multiple controls. Styling is to XAML what CSS is to HTML. Using styles, you can group a set of properties and assign them to specific controls or all controls of a specific type, and just like in CSS, a style can inherit (BasedOn) from another style.

Starting with WinUI 2.6 there are new styles for most of the controls. It is encourage you to use the new styles, as they better match the design direction of Windows. You can read more about styling.

Fons Sonnemans 2023 Development Tools List

24-Jan-2023 1 Comments

Many years ago Scott Hanselman wrote the famous Scott Hanselman Ultimate Tools List post. In 2019 I wrote my own list, now it is time for an update because there are new tools I use. I'm a Windows App developer more than a Web developer so I use different tools. I write mainly XAML (UWP, WPF, WinUI and UnoPlatform) apps and only occasionally an ASP.NET MVC, WebAPI or Blazor WASM projects. My code is written in C#. I create them because it is fun to do and it helps me to train my own skills. I use this experience for my trainings (C#XAMLASP.NET and SQL). I write my own training material so I need the experience. I have developed about 50 Windows (and Windows Phone) apps, some are very popular. The apps have more than 5 million downloads and daily thousands of players. Most of my apps are free but there are Ads in it to generate some revenue.

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