ASP.NET & Blazor trainingen

Blazor, MVC, Web-API


ASP.NET is a web application framework developed by Microsoft that allows developers to build dynamic websites, web applications, and web services. It provides a runtime environment, a set of libraries, and tools for building, deploying, and running applications.

ASP.NET Core is Microsoft’s flagship for building efficient web sites and services that run on Windows and Linux, using .NET and C#.

Blazor with .NET 9


Duur 5 dagen

Vanaf € 1.500,- per deelnemer

Learn developing static and interactive Web UIs with Blazor 9.0

Alle bovengenoemde bedragen zijn exclusief BTW en reiskosten.

Proud of our customers

  • Actemium
  • ASML
  • Besi
  • Maastricht University
  • Microsoft
  • Promexx
  • Sioux
  • Topic
  • Topicus

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U kunt ons ook bereiken via telefoonnummer +31 (0)493-688810 of per mail