Events and code examples

By Roy Janssen, posted on

The last couple of months I have been speaking at a couple of events. For those who visited these events or for those who want to know more about the subject I will give a brief summary of the talks and post the slides / sample code here for you.

Azure mobile services

At the StoreAppsUG end of februari and at the SDN event last march I have been talking about Azure mobile services. In this talk I explained how to use Azure mobile services in combination with Windows 8 and Windows Phone 8. The example I have build for this is a clean example on how to do this in a simple way. You can find the slides (in Dutch) and example code here:

- Slides 

- Example code 

Kinect for Windows v2

At the TechDays in the Netherlands last april I have been talking about the new Kinect for Windows v2. As a participant in the Developer preview I had early access to the hardware and SDK. During this talk I showed a lot of the possibilities of the new Kinect for Windows sensor. You can watch my presentation online at the Channel 9 site.