Reflection IT Blog

Benieuwd naar de laatste ontwikkelingen rondom software ontwikkeling en Reflection IT? Onze slimme koppen delen regelmatig hun kennis en ervaring. Zo weet jij wat er speelt!

2015 Blog posts

What's new in Blend for Visual Studio 2015


Below you can find the slides of my What's new in Blend for Visual Studio 2015 presentation session at MADN on 23 september 2015. This meeting was sponsered by RealDolmen.

In this session you will learn the new features of Blend for Visual Studio 2015. Blend is the XAML design and development tool for WPF, Silverlight, Windows Phone and Windows applications. You will also learn the new XAML controls and properties for developing Windows 10 applications. With this session you can improve your productivity and design skills.

Windows 10 XAML Tips: MessageDialog and ContentDialog

23-Jun-2015 3 Comments

In this blog post I will explain how you can show a message dialog and content dialog in your Windows 10 apps on the Desktop and Mobile (Phone) devices using C# and XAML. The MessageDialog class has been available in WinRT from the start. The ContentDialog class was introduced in Windows Phone 8.1 Universal apps and is now also available in Windows 10 because we now have a true Universal Windows Platform (UWP).

Coding for Kids - TechDays 2015


Op de TechDays 2015  mochten we dit jaar maar liefst 3 sessies verzorgen. De 'Coding for Kids' sessie werd gepresenteerd door Franci van der Mijden en Fons Sonnemans.  Hierbij werd duidelijk dat je kinderen kunt leren programmeren in plaats van ze alleen maar spelletjes te laten spelen. We hebben de verschillende programmeeromgevingen gedemonstreerd die er zijn om kinderen te leren programmeren. Met een opkomst van ruim 100 geïnteresseerden was de zaal volledig gevuld. Op veler verzoek kunt u de slides van deze presentatie hieronder bekijken.

We believe the children are our future. Teach them well!

TechFriyday videos


Op de Microsoft TechBlog heeft Microsoft Nederland een reeks van video blogs geplaats onder de noemer Tech Friday. In deze videos interviewed Clemens Schotte (Microsoft Technical Evangelist) specialisten in het vak over verschillende onderwerpen. In twee van deze video's houdt Clemens een interview met Fons Sonnemans.

Windows XAML Tips - ResourceDictionary with CodeBehind

17-Apr-2015 1 Comments

I have created XAML solutions (WPF, Silverlight, Windows Phone, Windows 8) for about 7 years now. This week I learned a new feature which I thought wasn't possible. I learned how you can place DataTemplates with eventhandlers into ResouceDictionaries. I thought this wasn't possible because ResourceDictionaries don't have CodeBehind files to write the eventhandlers in. But I was wrong. You can add a CodeBehind to a ResourceDictionary but you will have to do it manually. This makes it possible to move more DataTemplates and ControlTemplates from Pages and UserControls to ResourceDictionaries which can help to avoid duplicate XAML code.

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