Reflection IT Blog

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2002 Blog posts

WinForms AcceptButton Extender


The System.Windows.Forms.Form class has an AcceptButton property which can be used to set the button on the form that is clicked when the user presses the ENTER key. The accept (default) button should be the button that represents the action that the user is most likely to perform if that action isn't potentially dangerous. This button has a dark border to let the user know that it is the accept button.

This feature works great only when you have one accept button. Have a look at the following diaglog.

The OK button is in this dialog the accept button. This is the correct behavior when the textbox 'Name' and datepicker 'Date' have the focus. There should not be an accept button when the (multiline) textbox 'Description' has the focus. When listbox 'Avialiable' has the focus the '> Add >' button must be the accept button. And when listbox 'Assigned' has the focus the '> Add >' button must be the accept button.

This can be accomplished by implementing the following Enter and Leave event handlers.


C# SortCode Macro for Visual Studio.NET 2003


You should write your code in a consistent style. This is easier said then done. The SortCode macro helps you with this by sorting your C# code.

The SortCode macro sorts all members of a type (class or struct) on alphabetical order grouped by their type.

The default order of the types is:

  • Events
  • Fields
  • Enums
  • Constructor
  • Destructor
  • Properties and Functions
  • Properties and Functions of implemented interfaces

GotDotNet: Xml WebService Award?


What happened with the XML WebServices Award on the GotDotNet website? I have submitted my Html2Xml webserivce. I don't expect to win the 25.000 dollar price, an X-box would be nice :-)

The winners would be announced at the Teched in Barcelona (1-5 July 2002). Then this was moved to July 12. It is now August. Nothing has happened. Is there no winner?


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